Andrew Breitbart R.I.P.
American conservatives lost a great champion this past week. Andrew Breitbart died much too soon and it was a shock to many of us. I've had a YouTube channel for a while, but hadn't posted anything to it. In truth, a big part of why was simply fear. I knew I'd be opening myself up to a whole lot of attacks the moment I did. YouTube certainly has a very vocal liberal contingent. But Andrew's sudden death moved me to create and post a short memorial video. Wow!
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Obama and rising gas prices
If you drive a vehicle, then you're feeling the pain in the wallet as you fill up your tank. Gas prices have broken records, registering the highest price for gasoline in February ever. But what's that I hear? Crickets? Where are the Democrat members of Congress standing in front of gas stations demanding the president do something? That was a common occurrence during President George W. Bush's administration.
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Contraception insurance and the Catholic church
The problem with all this goes much further than infringing on the First Amendment. This is another case of the government usurping more power and eroding our liberties. How on Earth is it okay for the government to tell a private business what products it must offer and for how much?
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Occupy Wall Street, Part 2
I want to revisit the Occupy movement, to offer a key point I'm not hearing anywhere else. Most of the Occupy folks I've seen in videos are young adults fresh out of college. Part of their complaint is they have a huge student loan debt and no job prospects. I blame the 'everyone gets a trophy mentality' for their upset. Let me explain.
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Prepare to vote
Happy New Year! I plan on doing a weekly post here. We're now fully into the election year -- just 11 months until we go to the polls. If you haven't been doing it all along, please start studying the issues so, come November, you can intelligently cast your ballot. And if you're someone who hasn't diligently voting in every election, add that to your New Year's Resolutions. Our nation doesn't ask that much of us as citizens (short of paying taxes). It's the least you can do.
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