Obama and rising gas prices

If you drive a vehicle, then you're feeling the pain in the wallet as you fill up your tank. Gas prices have broken records, registering the highest price for gasoline in February ever. But what's that I hear? Crickets? Where are the Democrat members of Congress standing in front of gas stations demanding the president do something? That was a common occurrence during President George W. Bush's administration.
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Contraception insurance and the Catholic church

The problem with all this goes much further than infringing on the First Amendment. This is another case of the government usurping more power and eroding our liberties. How on Earth is it okay for the government to tell a private business what products it must offer and for how much?
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Legislating the Internet

Megacorporations want to legislate the Internet to protect their own intellectual property. But eventually, this will work heavily against the denizens of the Internet.
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The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Wish you could see the steam pouring out of my ears. The President has done something unprecedented. He's claimed a 'recess appointment' when the Congress wasn't officially in recess. All so he could bypass Congress and place Richard Cordray as director of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The Republicans have been holding "pro-forma" sessions every three days which met the constitutional requirement to avoid calling their winter break a recess.
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Even though it hasn't been fully enacted yet, we're already feeling the early fallout from this disaster of a law. Insurance premiums have already risen, thanks to parts of the law already being enforced. For instance, insurance plans must now extend their dependent coverage to children up to the age of 26, well into adulthood. There have also been some preventive care measures that must now be fully covered by all plans. It's only going to get worse, people, as other parts of the law take effect.
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