Fast and Furious

It used to be if someone mentioned "Fast and Furious", you thought of a movie with fast cars and some hot looking, macho guys. Not any more. Thanks to the ATF and our Justice Department, "Fast and Furious" now calls to mind the tragic death of a US Border Patrol agent, perhaps countless other deaths, and a whole bunch of weapons in the hands of some very dangerous people.
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Raising the debt ceiling

All this talk about raising the debt ceiling is really raising my blood pressure! No, we can't keep raising the debt ceiling. Our nation is already way overdrawn. Think about it. If your bank account is already overdrawn, do you keep spending money because you've still got checks? Or if you've hit your maximums on your credit cards, do you demand they raise your limit? Of course not.
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The fairness of taxing the rich

The poor use a significantly higher quantity of government services. So why should be tax the rich more? How can this be fair?
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The beginning of the Republican revolution?

On January 19, 2010, the first volleys of the second American Revolution were fired, appropriately in the state of Massachusetts, home of the original Boston Tea Party. Republican Scott Brown handily beat Democrat Martha Coakley for the Senate seat left vacate after the death of Ted Kennedy.
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Isolationism in a world gone mad

With all the turmoil in Iran, the fighting still going on in Afghanistan, and talk of pulling out of Iraq, there are voices on the right calling for a return to isolationism. These folks say our Founding Fathers never wanted us involved in 'other people's wars'. We should be committed to commerce, trading with everyone regardless. While I can see the attraction of that viewpoint, is it really the morally correct one? Talking in the broad strokes of nations can make it difficult to evaluate. Let's bring it down to a more manageable scenario.
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