The criminal justice system

A short article in my daily paper today illustrated one of the many problems with our criminal justice system. A 24-year-old registered sex offender struck again, this time having sex with a couple of young teenage girls (14 and 15 years old). That's enough to make you mad, but then you read that this pitiful excuse for a man was actually on probation at the time. The article didn't mention why he was on probation, but it did mention he was wearing a GPS ankle monitor.

Okay, so great, the monitor proves this criminal Don Juan was at the girl's home. Yeah, it will be—hopefully—easier to convice him after the damage has been done. Maybe it would be better if: 1) the monitor sent an immediate alert to police to pick the fellow up the second he went out of range; or better still, 2) also sent a Taser-like charge into the perp, stopping him in his tracks and making it easy for the police to haul his butt in to jail. Now that would protect society from these wastes of human flesh.